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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wing Chun Love and Resources

As of April 2011, I am a sixteen year practitioner of the martial arts, with traditional, non-traditional, and progressive cross training on my record.  I've had a few full contact fights, and a few point matches.  I've home trained, and trained in fully equipped facilities.  You could say it is a passion of mine.  I have many strengths and weaknesses, and the more I learn, the more I realize I have to learn.  I have recently started training in Wing Chun, from the Ip Man lineage, the same lineage Bruce Lee trained in.  My instructors' Sifu is Samuel Kwok who trained directly under Ip Man's son's.  Now, I am not a purist.  In martial arts I am somewhat of a pragmatist (though I do have a fondness for Hollywood techniques just because they're fun) and functionality is absolutely key to me.  I had almost given up on Chinese martial arts because of this.  They seem to lack a lot of real world functionality.  But the little I had been exposed to Wing Chun through cross training drills, and what I read and watched, I decided that Wing Chun was sufficiently applicable.  After being introduced to a possibility at actual instruction, I dragged my feet a bit, weighing cost, time, and desire.  Eventually I just said, "Screw it, I'm doin' it."  I fell in love with it immediately.  Is it a complete system?  Perhaps not.  It assumes you can keep the fight on your feet, and does not deal with grappling much more than trapping concepts.  However, as a functional system of self defense, and a basis, or part of a mixed regimen, it is fantastic.  So remember to feel the fight and keep your elbows in.  Here are some resources for some home study, and if you're lucky enough to have  someone to train with, you'll find progress that much faster:

My Instructors (R.I.P. Sifu), their website:

Their Youtube Channel (also accessible from the home site):

Master Wong's YouTube channel:
(He is not a purist by any means, and as far as I can tell, does not do Ip family style, but it's still a solid, free resource)

Another Youtube source, ChinaBoxer:
(This guy is really conceptually informative, and once again, I'm not sure, but I don't think he is Ip family style)

Finally for YouTube, I'm bringing in Sifu Sergio:
(He is also not Ip Man Wing Chun, and he is trying to sell you something, but his info is good, and the free stuff is very informative.  I have not purchased his full services, so I cannot speak for their quality.)

Here is an information page on Wong Shun Leung, and his leg of the Ip (Yip) Man lineage:

This page is really more for fun and introductions, but has blueprints on how to build the wooden dummy.  The information is still good, just in a format for nerds like me, and kids:

And very finally, I give you Sifu Samuel Kwok's page.  This guy is the real deal, and has the correct information on the Ip Man lineage.  I hope to meet him the next time he comes to the states:

I hope you find this information useful, and, at the very least, enough of a peek into the Wing Chun world to see if it is right for you.  Good Journey.

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