It is the goal of this blog to provide a window into history, science, society, and the miscellaneous eccentricities of the Victorian era, its surrounding eras within the industrial age, across all locations. There will be world lessons, art exhibits, and opinion pieces. Treat this as any lifestyle journal, and learn how to remake your world into something fantastic!
In addition to rote steampunk material, you can expect many articles aspiring toward the ideal of the renaissance man. This is a quest of our Professor, and he is on a personal mission to restore the path. You can expect political, religious, philosophical debate as well as lessons in physical culture and, by extension, combat. All will be kept roughly within the steampunk framework, but understand the the important thing here is the steampunk lifestyle, its tenets and philosophies. We do not promote purism, nor are we focused on the exact Victorian period. It is simply a framework within which to work,m and provide a base line measure for all other activities.
We do not expect anyone to live in the past, nor adhere to scientifically unsound principles. Indeed, we seek to blend modern scientific understanding with the roots of old, and create a hybrid of style. What could be more steampunk? And steampunk would be incomplete, and completely non-punk, were it devoid of social contention. There will certainly be debatable, contentious arguments put forth, and we shall do our best to state opinion as opinion, theory as theory, and fact as fact. We are committed to truth, but understand that truth is subjective. We invite you, and encourage you to join in the conversation by commenting, taking part in the periodic polls, and even private correspondence. Thank you for stopping by to take a look at our little journal. Good Journey.